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DIY Guide: Pruning a Cherry Tree

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  • 3 min read

Pruning a cherry tree is very important to maintaining the health and growth of the tree. To keep a cherry tree healthy and producing fruit, proper pruning is required. This article will guide you in learning how to properly prune a cherry tree.

First, you need the right tools and materials to prune your cherry tree. You will need some pruning shears and pruning paste or wound sealer. Unlike most trees, cherry trees should not be pruned in the winter due to their high vulnerability to a fungal disease called Silver Leaf. Silver Leaf is a fungal disease of trees that is often fatal and results in tree death. To help prevent Silver Leaf, cherry trees should be pruned in the summer when the chances of contracting the disease are low.

A properly pruned cherry tree should be in an open vase or ‘V’ shape but if it is a weeping cherry tree, it should be pruned to help maintain the weeping shape. Pruning cherry trees moderately is recommended to help thin out branches and provide better air circulation and light distribution throughout the tree.

To begin, you want to cut off any dead, diseased, or damaged branches. You should also toss away any pieces of wood, old fruit, and leaves that maybe have fallen around the tree. This will help keep the cherry tree healthy and prevent further spreading of disease.

When you cut any branches from the cherry tree make sure you cut about 1/8 of an inch away from the bud. The cut should also be made at an angle so water can be drained easily off the tree. Cutting the branches in this manner makes sure that the branches will no longer grow but will also keep the tree healthy and help prevent the disease from occurring.

Next, you want to remove any small seedlings at the base of the cherry tree. Be very careful not to damage the root of the tree when digging or cutting the seedlings off. It is important to do this step because if the seedlings are not removed, they will be taking away nutrients from the cherry tree preventing the tree from being as healthy as it can.

After cutting any wood on the cherry tree, you should use pruning paste or wound sealer to cover the pruning cuts. It is recommended that the pruning paste you use be non-asphalt-based. Applying pruning paste will help prevent disease and will protect the freshly pruned tree.

Once you are finished pruning your cherry tree, it is a good idea to clean and disinfect your pruning shears. This is especially needed if your tree had diseased branches which can then be transferred from the shears and back to your cherry tree the next time you prune it.

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