Birds will flock to your house when they find out that you’ve put out a birdseed tree! After all, it features a place for them to land, and some of their favorite foods, all in one convenient place. What bird wouldn’t want to visit you? And, since you can get a large bag of birdseed for just a few bucks you’ll have enough food to feed them for a long time to come. You can still fill up your existing feeders but the fun of making a birdseed tree is more than you’ll want to pass up.
The birdseed trees are cute accents in your yard while they invite birds of all types. Choose a pot for setting the homemade trees; a heavy pot, like a clay pot, works great. Tightly wedge a piece of Styrofoam into the bottom of the pot.
Choose some tree branches from the yard and use them to make the birdseed trees. The perfect branches are ones that aren’t mere twigs, but ones that aren’t huge in diameter. Tree limbs that are about an inch in diameter are good for making birdseed trees. Use a rag to roughly wipe the branches to make certain any loose bark and dirt are removed. Sturdy twigs can be left attached but snap off loose or tiny twigs.
A disposable knife works great for applying peanut butter to the tree limbs. Spread creamy or chunky peanut butter all over the branch and protruding twigs. Use the whole jar, or throw away any that remains, or store it with a piece of tape over the lid, which states “for birdseed trees only”.
Work quickly to spread the peanut butter and then press birdseed all over the branches. If you apply the birdseed over newspaper, you can take any that falls, and put it back into the bag by simply folding the newspaper, and pouring it back in. Leave a few inches at the bottom of each branch so that it can be inserted into the Styrofoam. To cover the Styrofoam, make an arrangement of Spanish moss on top.
Set pots of birdseed trees around your yard, set out your lounge chair, and enjoy the performance you’ll get as you see an assortment of gorgeous birds, flying into your yard. By the end of the season, the branches will likely be plucked bare, so just get new tree limbs, and make more birdseed trees.